Governing Body

Garsington Primary School Governing Body

Our school governors come from a range of backgrounds, bringing together different skills, experiences and knowledge. We have several different types of governors: 

Governors do not act independently but together as a governing body with joint responsibility. The role of the governing body is a strategic one and its key functions are:

The governing body is structured into 5 subcommittees that deal with specific areas of school development:

Governing Subcommittees

The Head sits on all committees.

Impact Chair: Sue Funge

SEN & PP Claire M. 

EYFS Jane Rizza

Maths Michael Aylmer 

English Michael Aylmer 

PSHE/SIAMS/RE/Collective Worship Karen Charman

Community  All 

Behaviour and Attendance Impact Committee

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Sue Funge

Staff Wellbeing  Zoe Hawkins

Teaching and Learning Annalisa Miller

Enrichment All

Resources Chair Matthew Newman

Finance James Anderson

HR Sue Funge 

Safeguarding Sue Funge

Health & Safety Matthew Newman

Vision and Values (and SIAMS) Karen Charman 

Pay Panel:

Chair of Governors and Chairs of Committees

Headteacher Performance Management:

Matthew Newman, Sue Funge, and Karen Charman

LGB membership and  Register of Interests 

Governor Meeting Attendance Record 2022/23

Garsington Primary School Governing Body - members

The term of office for most governors is four years. Exceptions are Co-opted Governors for whom the term of office is two years, and the Headteacher, who sits on the Local Governing Body because of their professional role and so has no fixed term of office.

Sometimes Governors are re-elected or re-appointed to serve a second four year term, and this has been noted above/below.

Zara d'Archambaud 

Type of governor: Ex-officio 

Appointing body: Governing Body

Term of office: 1/9/15 - ongoing

Committee membership: member of all subcommittees

Positions of responsibility: Headteacher

Jane Rizza

Type of governor: Staff 

Appointing body: Staff

Term of office: 01/09/2023-31/08/2024 - Term 1

Committee membership: Impact

Positions of responsibility: Y1 teacher and Early Years Foundation Stage

Reverend Karen Charman

Type of governor: Foundation

Appointing body: Diocese

Term of office: 04/03/20-03/24 - Term 1

Committee membership: Impact

Positions of responsibility: Christian Vision and values, SIAMS

Sue Funge

Type of governor: Community

Appointing body: Local Governing Board

Term of office: 11/04/2020- 04/2024 - Term 1

Committee membership: Impact

Positions of responsibility: Co-Chair of LGB, Safeguarding, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, Attendance, Curriculum Development

Claire M. 

Type of governor: Parent Governor

Appointing body: Parents

Term of office: 22/11/21-30/11/25 - Term 1

Committee membership: Impact and Resources 

Positions of responsibility: SEND, Pupil Premium, Health and Safety 

Annalisa Miller

Type of governor: Parent Governor

Appointing body: Parents

Term of office: 19/11/21-11/24- Term 1

Committee membership: Impact

Positions of responsibility: Teaching and Learning and Pupil Voice, Communications and PR

Matthew Newman

Type of governor: Community Governor

Appointing body: Local Governing Board

Term of office: 11/05/2021-05/2024 - Term 1

Committee membership: Co-chair of Resources 

Positions of responsibility: Co-Chair of LGB, Health and Safety, Pay Committee 

Michael Aylmer

Type of governor: Foundation

Appointing body: Diocese

Term of office: 01/07/2022-30/06/2026 - Term 1

Committee membership: Impact

Positions of responsibility: Christian Vision and values, SIAMS, English, Maths

James Anderson 

Type of governor: Parent Governor

Appointing body: Parents

Term of office: 12/07/2023-11/07/2027- Term 1

Committee membership: Resources

Positions of responsibility: Finance, Premises

Zoe Hawkins

Type of governor: Parent Governor

Appointing body: Parents

Term of office: - 01/01/2024- 01/01/2028 - Term 1

Committee membership: Resources

Positions of responsibility: Staff Wellbeing