
National Curriculum

The English National Curriculum sets out the programmes of study and attainment targets for all subjects in Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.  The majority of this National Curriculum was introduced between September 2014 and September 2016 and comprises twelve subjects, classified in legal terms as 'core' and 'foundation' subjects.

CORE: English, Mathematics, Science & Religious Education

FOUNDATION: Art, Music, Geography, History, Computing, Design Technology, PSHE & Foreign Language (French)

The National Curriculum subjects for Key Stages 1 and 2 are set out in section 84 of the Education Act 2002. Religious education must be provided to all pupils on the school roll unless withdrawn by their parents. The National Curriculum is organised based on key stages. At Garsington Primary School we have two key stages:

Key Stage 1: Ages 5-7 (Years 1-2)

Key Stage 2: Ages 7-11 (Years 3-6)

For each subject and for each key stage, programmes of study set out what pupils should be taught and attainment level target descriptors set out the expected standards of pupils' performance. Our teachers decide how they organise the school curriculum to include the programmes of study. Pupils are issued with a topic Web at the start of each term which informs pupils and parents as to the areas of focus for each subject. 

Our latest curriculum intent, implementation and impact can be found here.  Click here for a summary of our curriculum intent.