
Linked to our value of the term are our weekly values, collective worship, big questions, learning detective challenges, class challenges and inspirational quotes. See below for weekly information on what pupils and staff are focusing on when exploring Term 6's value of Teamwork.

Learning Detectives

Week 1

Photographs of new LD. Questions to other pupils at lunchtime about transition

Week 2

Learning Detectives will make sure classes have a rota for whole school responsibilities and jobs are carried out.

Week 3

Learning detectives will help to set up the Art Exhibition

Week 4

GM poster for the class

Week 5

Learning detectives will help the teacher to make sure all pupils are responding to marking and comments.

Week 6

Learning detectives will talk to their class about peer marking and feedback. Check all pupils in the class are carrying out their whole school responsibilities.

Week 7

End of term certificates for weekly challenges.

Weekly values

Our weekly values of determination will include discussing good behaviour and the it's importance for independence; how independence is linked to a growth mindset; how to solve playground problems and boost independence; how independence helps in the classroom.

Inspirational Quotes

Week 1

‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Luke 6:31

‘Be careful how you think: your life is shaped by your thoughts.’ Proverb 4:23

Week 2

‘God has given each of us a different gift to use.’ Romans 12:6 Team means ‘together everyone achieves more’.

Week 3

‘Encourage each other and build each other up.’ Thessalonians 5:1 ‘Alone we can do little; together we can do so much more. ‘ Helen Keller

Week 4

‘The farmer who sows the seed is like God planting his message in those who hear it. Jesus said.’ Mark 4:1-20

Week 5

‘Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is a progress. Working together is success.’ Henry Ford

‘I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things.’ Mother Teresa

Week 6

‘Encourage each other and build each other up.’ Thessalonians 5:1 ‘Alone we can do little; together we can do so much more. ‘ Helen Keller

Week 7

‘Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another, to show love and to do good. Let us encourage one another. ‘ Hebrews 10 24-25 ‘You can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.’

Big Questions for Term 6

Week 1

Why is it important to behave?

Week 2

Why is it important to be a team player?

Week 3

What is your favourite piece of art and why?

Week 4

How do you know that someone has a growth mindset?

Week 5

How has your teacher helped you to learn this week?

Our weekly values of teamwork will include discussing how we can work together on our whole school responsibilities. We will focus on progressing our growth mindset skills, learning from our teachers and each other and special events - Art Week & Health and Safety Week.

Collective Worship

Week 1

We will review our Behaviour Policy and expectations and reflect how this links to British Values and the Rule of Law.

The Bible as a way to live your life. Link to Christenings and the book that is given to children. The Ten Commandments Exodus 20 1-17

Week 2

The meaning of Teamwork. What does it mean and why is it important to be a team player? We will review class responsibilities that pupils complete for the whole school.

Jesus calls his Disciples

Mark 1 Barnabas Bible page 226

Week 3

Introduction to Art Week. We will review working together as a team to produce work to be proud of.

Creation Story Genesis 1

Week 4

Revisit the Growth Mindset progression of skills and progress the class have made on it. Re- evaluate the stage the pupils are on.

The Story of the farmer and the seed Mark 4:1-20 Barnabas page 236

Week 5

We will discuss the wisdom of building on firm foundations. We will talk about the importance of listening to your teachers and the wisdom they have to help to be best learners. Link to responding to feedback.

The two Houses (sand and rock) Matthew 7:24-27 Barnabas page 233

Week 6

I’ll get by with a little help from my friend. ‘Lively Assemblies page 31 The chocolate challenge. Link to how we can all learn from each other.

Ecclesiastes 4 ‘Two are better than one, because they can work more effectively.

Week 7

Introduction to Health and Safety Week

The healing of Jesus A visit to Capernaum Barnabas page 239 Luke 8:40-56

Week 6

How have you helped your friends to learn this week?

Week 7

Does teamwork make the dream work?

Class Challenges

Week 1

Our teacher thinks that our behaviour has improved this week.

Week 2

We all contribute towards our whole school responsibilities.

Week 3

We are all worked together to produce amazing art work that we are all proud of.

Week 4

Our teacher is very proud of the progress we have made with our Growth Mindset skills challenge.

Week 5

We have all listened to the feedback our teacher has given us and used this to make our work even better.

Week 6

We have all used peer marking to help each other to improve our work.

Week 7

We know how to keep ourselves healthy and safe.