Sue Funge

Sue Funge, Community Governor - Co- Chair of the Governing Body

My two grandsons attend the school and I am really pleased to be able to get involved with this wonderful school. I am passionate about the positive impact education can have and the need for all children to grow up with a sense of their self-worth and value. I have a 2:1 Hons Degree in Educational Studies and Sociology and taught in the School of Education, Oxford Brookes University for four years. I was an Open University tutor for nine years and have also taught A Level Psychology and Sociology. I continue to learn and study and enjoy putting together workshops and courses. 

Back in the 1990s I was a school Governor at my son's primary school. I also set up the Black Child Mixed Heritage group in Oxfordshire and became a published author in 1996. The launch of the book also marked the commencement of freelance work specialising in topics such as the nurturing a positive racial identity, celebrating equality and diversity, developing a whole school approach and similar topics on inclusion. I was the Achievement Officer for EMAS and went on to develop accredited courses for young people to help them to navigate challenging circumstances and achieve their potential. Developing an inclusive whole school approach matters and every child matters and I hope I can make a positive contribution to the school in my role as a Governor.